Thursday, July 30, 2009

Zig Ziglar's quotes....

I've been listening to his podcast and took some notes, he has very good stuff, definitely recommend it and its free to download...... Enjoy.

- Everyone has a choice, every choice has an end result.
- There something we can do right now that will make our future better or worse.
- Success in life is not determined by being knocked down, but how fast we get up when we fall down......
- You are what you are and where you are because of what goes in to your mind......
- People who don't take step #1 will never take step #2.

- When you have nothing to fear and nothing to hide you can do more with your life......
- Every time you open your mouth you let men look in to your mind....
- DO it one step at a time......
- Finish the JOB...... Finish what you started....
- Quit things that are distractive..... (junk food, information you put in you, people around you, habits such smoking, drinking etc.... )
- Don't put yourself down when you build somebody else up....
- Get in SHAPE..... (all around )

- Listen learn how to communicate....

- Value yourself for who you are....
- We can respond instead of reacting......
- Its okay to fall down..... Just get up....
- Change your thinking..... How ? By what you put in to your mind....
- What we put in our mind effects our thinking, and our thinking effects our action, and our action effects our future.....

- Do not make important decisions when you physically exhausted....
- We should be the best listeners when we speak... to improve yourself.
- We can change and we can grow, we have to start.....

Hope you enjoy this and learn something from this notes.
God bless.

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