Thursday, October 22, 2009

Are we really that busy ?

Are we really that busy ?
In talking to people, I realized that many complained that they don't have enough time to do things. Some say that they have so much to do, some find other excuses, and some are just lazy. But most of the people I've met always tell me how busy they are. Okay - but with what ?

So are we really that busy? Or maybe we do things that we are not supposed to be doing. Yes, there's such a thing in this world as doing good things, but not right things. So I want to talk about prioritizing your life, because what you do today has an effect on your tomorrow.

Ok firstly, we all have an equal amount of time. Everyone gets the same 24 hours a day. Rich, poor, famous, or just regular people - everyone gets the same amount of time. But not everyone spends it the same way.

How do you spend your time? The way you spend your time will determine what you are going to have in your future.

So let me give you few steps on how to spend your time wisely and not waste it on unnecessary things.

1. Prioritize.
What is the most important in your life?
For me personally I try to follow this order.
1. God and His will.
2. My personal development.
3. Family.
4. Work/Ministry
5. Friends

2. Get rid of the things that steal your time: Long phone conversations, Internet, Going shopping just to go, Friends that just waste your time, TV, Sleep (more that 7-8 hours) and many more, but you get the point.

3. Learn how to say no to people.

4. Follow your plan and do only what's important throughout the day. Do the most important things first.

If you do not know where is your time going, just make a journal of everything you do every day. Write down every hour and then at the end of the week see where you spent your time.

Remember, you have 24 hours everyday, and that should be enough to sleep, eat, spend time with the family, work, time for God, and friends. If you do not have enough time, maybe you're doing things that are not important and just taking your time away from your life.

Be careful what you spend your time on, because this determines where you are going to be in your future.
So are we really that busy or do we just not know how to manage our day and our life.?

God bless.

If you have any questions feel free to comment.

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