Monday, January 18, 2010

Live life in "balance"

1. - God created everything to function in balance.....
- What happens when things around us start to function out of balance ?
- Why is balance important...... ?
- Jesus showed us balance....
- God wants us to Live in balance.
Matt. 6:33.......
2. What are we a thermometer or thermostat.... ?
- God wants us to be like thermostat...
- Thermostat keeps the temperature at one spot....
- Do not be up and down......
- God wants us to bring this balance in to everywhere we go......
3. 2 Cor. 12:7-10
(thorn from greek: skolops which is pointed piece of wood....)
- Sometime God allows this things in our life to keep us balanced and not get carried away.....
- Look and your life and see what brings balance...
- See what you need to add balance in to your life.
4. God wants us to be balanced..... but we must train ourselves.....
- Just like walking on the rope we need practice same in our lives...
- Make Jesus your coach.
- We only see results but coach sees all the practice and hard work thats put in to it......
5. God gave us His peace John 14:27
- Live with God.....

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