Hello, I want to share with everyone about my 71 day fast that I just finished this Monday.
I write this not to boast, but to encourage someone. I never thought I would be able to do it myself, but thank God I did it. God is awesome.
This is how it all started - I'm a pastor of a small church that we started 3 years ago, and I saw a need in our church so I decided to stand up for it. The need was that we as a church needed to get closer to God, but it always starts from the leadership. If the leadership is not walking close with God, it will have an effect on the whole church. So I decided to start getting closer to God. (I had been doing it, but I realized that we needed more)
So that's how I decided to take a 40 day fast. (no food at all just drinks.)
Was it hard? In the beginning it was a bit hard at some moments. Some days were easy, but the main key to staying strong during a fast is PRAYER, the WORD of GOD, and of course your mindset. Some days I had lots of pressure, after 25 days I couldn't feel my body, and after 30 days I started to feel great. I felt clean and I had energy throughout the day, though at night I did get tired faster. But I was surprised with how much energy I had.
During this fast I realized How much more I need God. I realized that food became an idol to us in America. We love food more than we love God, and that's why we cant fast and spend time with God.
After some time into fasting, all I wanted was more of God. My focus became only on Him and not on myself and not on church. I need Him, but the only way i can get Him is if I truly start loving Him with everything.
On day 29 We had a church prayer and I asked God if I should do more than 40 days. I asked God if I should go 71 days, and God said yes if I wanted to receive more.
Fasting is not a matter of salvation, its a matter of you walking in the power of God by denying your flesh and allowing the Spirit to take over your daily life.
God told us to fast in the Bible. God also showed us many examples of others that did it and why they did it. (I will get more into that in my next blog.)
What did I get out of this fast?
I got wayyyyy more than I asked for :)
1. I got closer to God.
2. More self Control over my flesh.
3. I feel more authority over my life and that authority only comes from God.
4. People in the church started to seek God more and took time to fast. Some did between 5 to 21 days.
5. I noticed how my own parents started to treat me more like a pastor and not like their child.
6. We closed on our house after 40 days (and I knew before that we would because God told me so )
7. And one of the most important points is that I started to hear God more clearly and started to be led by His Holy Spirit more and more - during preaching, talking or when it comes to personal decisions.
This was truly the best experience I've had in my life. I loved every moment of it, even though some days were reallllly hard. But the end result was great. I made a decision to eat more healthy and to be a great example in every area of my life.
I thank God for everything. It's all because of HIM, because GOD IS REAL.
Part 2 coming soon. I will show you from the Bible why fasting should be done on a regular basis.
Thank you for your time and if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment.
God bless you all.
Bro! Thanks for the encouragement. I like what you said about leadership setting the right example. If leadership is lacking in a desire to seek God, then there is a ceiling serious barrier for the follower. And thanks for pointing out the truth about a trend in America to be connected to food! Long story short, last night I spent and hour and a half sitting outside a McDonalds watching how people would rather eat a Big Mac than go to sleep.
Anyway, keep the blogs coming!
Anytime brother. God is truly awesome He shapes me so much.... He wants me to be like HIm, to be TRUTH, HOLY, and Righteous... Leadership is the key to the transformation of the community. If leaders do not set an example no one will jump higher than them unles they leave that leadership and go under someone else..... we cant change what God set up here on earth.
And about food man, God shaped me a lot... No more fast food at all i rather fast for a day or so but i wont but junk in my body.... no more fake candy and all that artificial flavor stuff. We gotta take care of our body.... and our followers will do the same.
I want to be a great example in everything in spiritual, physical, in the way i look, talk, walk, eat, dress ...... we are KINGS children and should act that way.
God bless brother I hope you doing well.... and if you need anything give me a call....
God bless.
Very good Blog. What kinds of fluids did you consume?
Thank you.
I drank Just distilled water after 35 days and some juices, no citric juices thou...... and steamed milk, and sometime milk shake but i was careful what i would put in there. and V8.... but thats about it, not that many choices since you have to be very careful....
God bless.
Wow Roman, this is truly inspiring! I feel almost challenged, food has become an idol and this type of fast does train one to become disciplined.
Yes. this does not mean we all should do it ( ask God for guidance) but we all should have fasting as a part of our life and thats what the Bible teaches us.
God bless.
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