Thursday, July 30, 2009

Zig Ziglar's quotes....

I've been listening to his podcast and took some notes, he has very good stuff, definitely recommend it and its free to download...... Enjoy.

- Everyone has a choice, every choice has an end result.
- There something we can do right now that will make our future better or worse.
- Success in life is not determined by being knocked down, but how fast we get up when we fall down......
- You are what you are and where you are because of what goes in to your mind......
- People who don't take step #1 will never take step #2.

- When you have nothing to fear and nothing to hide you can do more with your life......
- Every time you open your mouth you let men look in to your mind....
- DO it one step at a time......
- Finish the JOB...... Finish what you started....
- Quit things that are distractive..... (junk food, information you put in you, people around you, habits such smoking, drinking etc.... )
- Don't put yourself down when you build somebody else up....
- Get in SHAPE..... (all around )

- Listen learn how to communicate....

- Value yourself for who you are....
- We can respond instead of reacting......
- Its okay to fall down..... Just get up....
- Change your thinking..... How ? By what you put in to your mind....
- What we put in our mind effects our thinking, and our thinking effects our action, and our action effects our future.....

- Do not make important decisions when you physically exhausted....
- We should be the best listeners when we speak... to improve yourself.
- We can change and we can grow, we have to start.....

Hope you enjoy this and learn something from this notes.
God bless.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Live In Gods Presence..... part 2.

Presence of God. part 2.

- God created you to cary His presence.
- He always intended for us to be in His presence.
- We are the ones that must keep His presence around us.....

- Why can't His presence be around us ? Because of our lifestyle.... Light has nothing to do with the darkness ....
1 John 1:5-7. 5. This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 6. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. 7. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
Ephesians 5:

1. We must sacrifice to be in Gods presence. Exodus 18:12
- God honors those who GIVE UP EVERYTHING..... (not just lil time or some church but EVERYTHING.)
- Jesus sacrifice His life so we can Live today.
2. We must be led by the Spirit.
- Romans 8:12-14.
- We must live by the Spirit to please God we must be obedient, everyone of these points connect and we can not be with out them ....
- Gal. 5:16:18 If we live by flesh we go against God.
- Gal. 5:22-25
3. Obedience brings and keeps presence of God......
Deuteronomy 28 ... ( Blessing for Obedience.... )
- When we walk in obedience we walk with God.
1 Samuel 15:22.... Obedience is better than sacrifice....

What pushes away presence of God ? Is our flesh, our emotions, our actions when we do not feel like praying or moving in God.
- We must keep His presence.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why are people so lonely ? part 3.

Are you selfish?
This is one of the issues we have in the world. We, as humans, became very selfish.
Why do you go to work everyday? Why do you do what you do on daily basis? Do you do this for yourself or for the benefit of others?
From what i realize, most people are at their jobs just to pay their bills or to buy something for themselves.... which is necessary, but this should not be the only reason why we live our lives, just for US. Can you agree that we are very self-centered human beings and that's what's hurting us as a society? So how can we solve this?
1. Think of the thing you would most love to do for the rest of your life and that you would be able to do for free... something that you really love.
2. Start pursuing that dream.
3. Get out of the environment you are in now and do what you love.

Okay, what does this have to do with us being lonely? See, when we live a self-centered life and only think about ourselves and not about others, it actually makes us lonely. Especially if you work a job that you don't really love and you live your life just to pay bills or just to satisfy your needs... basically you live for yourself and do not even think about others...
See the principal "love your neighbor as yourself " works... whether we like it or not.
When we are all about us we are alone.
When we live and have consideration for others we are together...
When you start wanting to go to your job to make this community a better place, you will see how your views on life will change. You will see how much others will start caring about you.
We have to stop being greedy and so competitive and enjoy our lives. Because in reality no one really cares what you wear, what you drive, or how big your house is. Yes, people might look at you for a second or two, but at the end of the day we are still alone and by ourselves.
The reason why is because we have never lived our life for more than just our personal satisfaction. We always wanted more for ourselves.
If you did try this principle and people mistreated you, it's fine. Just keep on going and move on to another person. God himself said, "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all." So serving others is not always pleasant, but its satisfying. In doing that, you will be first and you will never feel lonely....
God bless. Part 4 coming soon ....
p.s. thanx to Janet for help with editing .

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

" Jesus and a boy with 5 loaves and 2 fish. "

Jesus and a boy with 5 loaves and 2 fish.

- John 6:1-13.

1.(vr.9) We are just like that lil boy..... we have not much to offer but with God we can effect thousands of people.
2. (ver.5-7) God will give you a task that will seem impossible to achieve, but He already knows that you can do it....
- God will test you, even though He already knows what will happen ....
- (vr.5) Jesus asked a question ...... so many time He asks us WHY ? for WHAT?
- (vr.6) God already has in mind what He has planed for us and everyone around us.
- (vr.7.) We as Humans will always complain..... thats it's impossible to do what God place in front of us.

- (vr.9) The boy was close to Jesus thats why they found him so fast, We must be close to God, He is always looking for that one person.
- (vr.10) Instructions are important. God will tell you exactly what to do.

- It might be you last resource but be ready to give up everything for others...... this way you will be fed too.

- It might seem like nothing to you or to others but God sees so much bigger in you...... He knows that with that lil that you have God will influence thousands.
- Only with Jesus its possible.

- It's important to notice everyone around us even thou they seem small in the crowd.... Everyone is important.

- All God needs is lil bit, just "yes" to His will and He will use you to the fullest.
- Through out your life Gods name will be glorified......

- Boy loved Jesus thats why he gave up his food....... LOVE GOD AND GIVE UP EVERYTHING TO DO WHAT HE WANTS YOU TO DO.....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Live In Gods Presence..... part 1.

Presence of God.

- God placed Man in His presence.... We are meant to walk in His presence 24/7
- We lost Gods presence when we sinned.

- Gods first passion to bring man back to Him....
- God wants us to be in His presence........

- World can not offer this feeling.....


How to be in His Presence ?
1. We must repent to stand blameless before Him..... sincere repentance.
- Repent means CHANGE YOUR THINKING.....

2. We must come before Him with worship and thanksgiving....
Psalm 100:3-5 (New International Version)
3. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his [a] ; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
5. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

3. We must give up everything before Him...... We must be in complete submission to God.... no other way.

- When you start walking in Gods presence you won't fall, you wont pick up a drink or cigarets..... Your language will change, your action will change, your whole life will be changed.
- You will become more and more like Him and His character......

- God only walks with those who desire Him and Obey Him....

4. We must start Growing in Loving Him .... God does not expect you to love Him from day one but He wants you to grow in loving Him
- Its the most important.....
- Love towards Him will keep His presence near you....

God bless and i hope that this message will help you to get closer to God.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why are people so lonely ? part 2.

Okay, let's get started right away. People are lonely and one of the things that will help you not to be lonely, always have people show interest in you, and always be around you is when you begin to start living an open life; living a life without secrets.
Honestly, there are no need for secrets. I'm not talking about personal things since I am a pastor and people tell me things which I have no right to share with other. But when it comes to my personal life, I want to be open to anyone and everyone because I have nothing to hide.
For some time I've been living an open life. It's the best life ever. You don't have to worry about hiding anything. When you create secrets (and yes we do create them on our own by some of the choices we make), you separate yourself from others who are not included in those "secrets". What happens is you automatically become alone, or maybe have one other person involved. Then, when you meet with others, you become closed up since you can't share your life with your friends or family members.
Like I said, there is absolutely no point to keeping secrets. Be open with people and they will be open with you. Don't hide anything or exclude anyone just be "free."
I guarantee you that your life will change when you start living this way. If someone shares a secret with you, just keep it and be a good friend, but teach others to live a "secret free" life to avoid gossip, misunderstandings, etc...
I've chosen to live my life this way now. You can call me anytime and ask me what I am doing and I'll tell you, and maybe even invite you to come along. I hated not being able to tell people what I was doing because it was something wrong that I was doing. So don't do wrong things. Live a clean, holy life and you will be blessed.
And for those who think that it's cool to have secrets, the Bible tells us clearly in Matthew 10:26, "Therefore, do not fear them. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known." So whats the point of living a secret life when everything will be revealed one day anyway?

If you have any questions you can just email them to me at God bless...... part 3 coming soon.

p.s. thanks to Saulo G. for help with editing.